Monstera Siltepecana: Rare Climbing Plant for your collection

So you're looking for a new climbing plant?

This post will teach you how to care for the Monstera Siltepecana plant, focusing on basic needs such as : light, watering, humidity, soil and growing tips!

The Monstera Siltepecana plant is native to the regions of Mexico, Columbia, Brazil and other Central American countries. It is a very adaptable plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors in bright indirect sunlight conditions.

The Monstera  Siltepecana is a fast grower!

Many plant parents have said the same thing about the Siltepecana, it does not show much growth in the first month, after a few weeks it begins to develop new leafs very fast, at the rate of about one leaf per week!

The leaves will get even bigger if you give them a moss pole to climb! This is the perfect climbing plant.

Is the  Monstera Siltepecana rare?

This plant is found only in the State of Oaxaca in Mexico and although it has no natural predators due to its large leaves, the Monstera Siltepecana plants are still endangered because humans cut down their original habitat for farming purposes as well as logging wood for furniture and construction lumber.

Quick tip: This plant can sometimes be referred to as Philodendron siltepecana, however it is important to note that this plant does NOT belong to the Philodendron genus!

Monstera Siltepecana plants are very easy to grow and maintain as long as proper growing conditions are met. From the experience of many plant-parents, the Siltepecana plant seems to be a very quick grower compaired to other aroids.

Now let's get into some of the most common care tips:

monstera siltepecana

Light requirements  

Keep the plant in bright indirect sunlight for at least 4 hours a day. For many plant parents this could mean leaving the plant near a sun-facing window. In the summer, you want to shade the light a little bit to dim the intensity.

In the winter, you can go full throttle with the sunlight to make up for the lower frequency of winter sun.

Soil and Potting requirements

1) Keep the soil evenly moist by watering weekly or as needed, but do not overwater (the plant does not like to stand in water all the time).

2) Fertilize every 1-2 months during the growing season.

3) In their native environment, Monstera Siltepecana vines can hang from tree branches and eventually cover the entire tree trunk. Indoor plants need to be trimmed to help control growth or give them a mosspole to climb and roam free!

4) Repot the plant every 2-3 years to refresh the soil.

The most successful Monstera Siltepecana plants are grown in a relatively small terracotta pot with an airy aroid mix (bark,perlite,soil)

If you use a big plastic pot you increase the chance that the soil will be too soggy and suffer rootrot. It's best to start with terracotta because it dries the soil faster, and reducses any chances of root rot in the process.

Monstera plants are mostly epiphytes that are not used to have their roots covered fully in dense soil.

Temperature requirements

The Monstera siltepecana is a tropical plant that thrives in temperatures between 60 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. If you live anywhere else than this range, your monsteras may not be as happy! Therefore, it's best to keep the temperature no lower than 50 degress Fahrenheit because cold weather hurts its roots .

Humidity requirements

Monstera plants thrive in high humidity, so it's important to provide them with 60-90% relative humidity. They also do well when kept close by or placed on trays filled with pebbles that will help increase the moisture level inside their potting soil--just make sure you mist regularly!

If the humidity of your indoor environment isn’t ideal, the Monstera siltepecana won’t be at it's best. In that case it's best to purchase a humidifier!

monstera siltepecana

Propagating your Monstera siltepecana  

You can easily propagate your Monstera siltepecana by stem cuttings. Simply strip the plant of its leaves down to at least one node with roots behind - then place it in water for a bit before transferring over to soil.

Here's a step by step video that illustrates how you can propagate your Monstera siltepecana:

Common plant problems for Monstera siltepecana

Q: When will my siltepecana get fenestrations?

First we have to explain what fenestrations are. This refers to the holes you see in Monstera plants. Monstera leaves are famous for their natural holes, which they share with other plants like Haworthia.

If you want your siltepecana to have fenestration (holes and slits), then it needs a sturdy support. It generally takes about 2-3 years for these plants, so be prepared!

Q: How to deal with leaf damage on your monstera siltepecana?

monstera siltepecana with leaf damage

When the leaves of your siltepecana begins to show signs of leaf damage, it usually indicates that the plant may have been infected by Thrips.

Thrips are small, slender insects that often go unnoticed because they are so tiny. However, they can cause some serious damage to plants.  These pests are particularly fond of new growth, so you may notice them on young leaves or flower buds.

If you think your plants have thrips, inspect them closely for signs of damage. You may also find the bugs themselves. If you do find thrips, you can try to remove them by hand or use a pesticide. However, it is important to note that many pesticides are not effective against thrips, so be sure to read the label before using any product.

Final thoughts

The Monstera siltepecana is an interesting plant because of its unusual leaves. The leaves are so large that they can be used as a shade canopy.

They are also very sturdy, which makes them ideal for use in landscaping projects.
If you are looking for an interesting, fast-growing plant, the Monstera siltepecana is a good choice. It is easy to care for and it will add an exotic touch to your home or garden.